For: Crisis: Exercises in State of Emergency Art Exhibition
Art and Poster: Omar Vulpinari
Exhibition held at the Freunde und Förderer der Villa Ichon in Bremen
27 November 2009 - 9 January 2010
An exhibition curated by Janneke Schönenbach and Olaf Arndt with Richard Mosse, Moritz ®, Steve Rowell, Omar Vulpinari, Timm Ulrichs, Adam Broomberg and Oliver Chanarin, Ivana Spinelli, Hans-Werner Kroesinger, and Angelika Schneider von Maydell.
The show deals with the actual preparations of many western countries, headed by the US, to fight expected major civil unrest as a result of the global financial crisis. Troups around the world are training now in mock-up inner city areas. Most countries are willing to use military under martial law, as well as national guards and private military corporations to help their police forces.